The issue of civil rights of Hoosiers who are supportive of the LGBT community is far from over.

Many gays, lesbians and others struggle daily to gain acceptance from their peers, recognition of marriage equality and relationships and job opportunities. They seek protections from discrimination.

Last year, their struggle came to the forefront with the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act, signed by Gov. Mike Pence, that would have opened the door to discrimination based on sexual orientation. State legislators revised the law at the public's demand.

To gubernatorial candidate Eric Holcomb, that ends the discussion. During a recent visit to Anderson, he said that LGBT rights are not an issue this year. He certainly does not intend to focus on them in his campaign against Democrat John Gregg and Libertarian Rex Bell.

In disregarding the issue, he's turned his back on thousands of Hoosiers who seek equal rights for members of the LGBT community.

"We've moved forward as a state," Holcomb said.

He has said it is up to Indiana municipalities to take on the issue by adopting local ordinances.

Holcomb's approach has been to mirror what he sees as the successes of Pence's administration. With that approach, he can also back away from taking on an issue that damaged Pence's reputation nationally.

Holcomb doesn't want to be anywhere near the issue of civil rights, perhaps for any minority.

But in his recent dismissal of LGBT issues, he is turning his back on Hoosiers who truly want Indiana to "move forward" in the area of civil rights for all.

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