With less than a week remaining in this year’s Indiana legislative session, several Senate and House bills are headed to conference committees or the governor’s desk for his signature of final approval.

Both houses are in the home stretch and adjourn next Wednesday.

Here is a look at some of those bills as the last day in the session nears. 

Student possession and use of sunscreen

Lawmakers repealed a law that prevented students from possessing and using over-the-counter sunscreen on school property or at a school-sponsored event.

Passing both the House and Senate, Senate Bill 24 reverses current law that requires a doctor’s note for a student to possess or use a topical, non-aerosol sunscreen product. In addition, school personnel can help students apply the sunscreen if the school has written permission from the student’s parent or guardian.

Latest action: Signed Wednesday by the governor.

Scleral tattooing

A bill that would make it illegal to tattoo the whites of your eyes has passed both houses.

Called scleral tattooing, the bill, Senate Bill 158, not only defines the practice in Indiana law, but also allows for those caught in violation to receive a fine of up to $10,000.

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