Nearly 200 educators from schools across northern Indiana pushed back Friday against proposed rules that would change high school graduation requirements.

Many of the rules, they argued, are not clearly defined and could hurt special needs students or students who might not go on to college.  

“Yes, this is something we should be very, very afraid of,” said Steve Yager, a former Allen County superintendent and member of the Indiana State Board of Education

At issue are recommendations from a state graduation pathways board that were finalized this month and are set to be voted on Dec. 6 by the 11-member State Board of Education. The legislature would have to change state law to put in place the recommendations.

Current plans call for students to show that they are ready for college or work through requirements such as completing college entrance exams such as the SAT or completing internship or apprenticeship programs. Those additional requirements have led to fears from school administrators that graduation rates will fall.  

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