It is becoming abundantly clear that the Gary Public Library system will be the latest victim of the economy and the property tax levy freeze imposed three years ago by the General Assembly on taxing units in Lake County.

The levy freeze was imposed until such time when the county adopts a local option income tax.

The freeze is compounded in Gary by property tax collection rates, which have been abysmal in recent years.

As a result, the Gary Public Library system's budget of $6.4 million will be cut to about $3.2 million.

And rather than appeal to the state Distressed Unit Appeals Board for financial relief, the Library Board intends to close some of the system's six facilities, possibly including the main branch on 5th Avenue -- a move that would result in the layoff of some of the system's 48 union employees as well as administrators.

There are a couple of issues involved in what is happening to the Gary library system.

The system wouldn't have as many financial problems if it was part of a larger -- perhaps countywide -- library system. Such consolidation is one of the recommendations of the Kernan-Shepard study on reducing the costs of local government.

While we don't expect countywide consolidation to happen any time soon, the Gary situation gives cause for future consideration.

The plight of the Gary libraries also puts new focus on the state's irresponsible act of freezing local property tax levies in Lake County.

The freeze has caused taxing units around the county to cut to the bone. In the case of county police, more than 20 merit officers have been eliminated. Gary is about to cut firefighters, and libraries are closing.

Cuts clearly were needed in many parts of the county.

Now it is becoming punitive, and the people of Lake County are suffering. It's wrong.

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