GREENSBURG – Employees at Honda Manufacturing of Indiana in Greensburg will soon be heading back to work following an extended layoff that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

A release posted Friday afternoon on the company’s website ( states that as the unprecedented economic impact of the fast-changing COVID-19 pandemic continues, Honda has continued to evaluate business conditions and make necessary adjustments to its production and business operations in North America.

The following is an update regarding actions to resume auto production and business operations.


Starting Monday, May 11, Honda will gradually resume production of automobile, engine and transmission production at its plants in the U.S. and Canada.

The suspension of automobile production began on March 23.

In resuming production, Honda will stagger the start-up at each plant, with most plants using the first day to ensure that front-line leaders are trained on new procedures and activities related to COVID-19 prevention. Prior to resuming production, associates will learn about the new safety measures and re-train on work processes after the period of suspended production.


All salaried and support associates who have been on furlough from Honda operations in the U.S. will return to work on May 8 or 11, depending on location, the release states. Honda will continue to maximize opportunities for associates to work remotely, while practicing social distancing for associates performing essential roles that require them to work at Honda facilities.


The release states that while specific measures and policies will vary based on company and location, Honda is focused on the health and safety of associates. This includes initiatives intended to protect health and safety and to achieve social distancing.

Health and safety measures include:

TEMPERATURE SCANNING: All Honda associates, suppliers, contractors and visitors will undergo a temperature scan and will not be allowed inside Honda facilities with a temperature of 100-degrees or higher.

As an added precaution, Honda is requiring the use of masks or cloth face coverings at all times inside all buildings except when eating or drinking. Honda plants and offices will provide one new mask per day for every associate.

FACE SHIELDS: Honda will require associates to wear face shields in certain areas of the manufacturing plants as an added precaution.

CLEANING AND DISINFECTING: Honda has increased cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing activities throughout its operations, along with providing cleaning supplies in common areas for use by associates.

Social Distancing measures include:

STAGGERED SHIFT START TIMES: The company has staggered shift start times to reduce the amount of people entering and leaving plants at one time.

They have made changes to seating arrangements in cafeterias and made additional rooms available for lunch.

PRODUCTION PROCESSES: Each plant is adjusting processes and workstations to achieve social distancing on the production line to the extent possible.

Common areas such as restrooms and locker rooms will limit capacity to maximize social distance.

INCREASED SIGNAGE: All facilities have increased signage to remind associates of social distancing requirements, CDC guidelines for good hygiene and other helpful safety and health information.

The release states that due to the fast-changing nature of this situation, Honda will continue to provide updates at
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