With more than 1,000 bills moving around the Statehouse this legislative session, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Here’s what you may have missed this week:

» Committee votes to cut voucher schools some slack

Since the implementation of school vouchers in Indiana, opponents have pushed back against their growth.

On Wednesday the Senate Education and Career Development committee approved a plan that some say expands the program. House Bill 1384 would make it easier for private schools to immediately enter Indiana’s voucher system, by allowing them to be accredited during their first year.

It also allows schools that receive a D or F grade to appeal to the state board to waive consequences for a year if they can demonstrate improvement of the majority of their students.

The bill passed 7-4 and now heads to the Senate floor for a vote.

» ISTEP replacement heads to floor for vote

The Senate Education and Career Development committee voted 7-4 to replace ISTEP testing Wednesday.

The new test called ILEARN will be shorter, test scores will be given back more quickly and grading will involve teachers.

Critics worry the changes aren’t enough, however, since lawmakers have not yet picked an actual test. Students likely will not take the new ILEARN test until 2019.

» Senate passes pre-K bill

With three weeks left until lawmakers hope to be finished with the legislative session, there are still differences to be worked out between what the House and Senate want when it comes to pre-Kindergarten.

The Senate passed House Bill 1004 Thursday, which will now head to conference committee.

Both Gov. Eric Holcomb and the House called for a doubling of funds for On My Way Pre-K. But the Senate version only allocated an additional $3 million, plus $1 million for an online-based pre-K pilot program.

On Friday Holcomb said he was still going to push for the doubling of On My Way Pre-K, but is keeping an open mind about the online program.

»Schools chief appointment bill heads to Senate

After uncertainty about whether or not the Senate could even discuss a bill on the appointment of the schools chief, the Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure committee voted 8-4 to approve the plan Monday.

The Senate failed to pass a similar bill making the school chief position an appointed one weeks ago. A Senate rule says when a bill dies or is defeated, any legislation with “that exact language or substantially similar language shall be considered decisively defeated and shall not be considered again during the session.”

Senate Leader David Long (R-Fort Wayne) argued the bill was substantially different because it added in a residency requirement, pushed back the effective date and requires nominees to have either five years of experience or an education license of some sort.

Democrats disagree.

“The heart of the bill remains the same, that the position of superintendent of public instruction will go from being the elected position it’s been for hundreds of years to now being an appointed position by one person, the governor,” said Sen. Timothy Lanane, D-Anderson. “I know we can debate that but quite frankly, I think we are diminishing the importance of the rules.”

Regardless, the bill now is open for a floor vote.

» Senate committee votes to phase in gas tax increase

Hoosiers are almost certain to see a gas tax increase. After Holcomb signified his agreement with the gas tax increase Friday, the full House voted to approve the measure and a Senate committee passed the measure on, the Senate floor vote is the only uncertainty left. And Senate leaders have already thrown their support towards a tax increase.

The Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy committee voted Tuesday 11-2 to phase in the 10 cent gas tax increase over two years, and added additional fees to the House’s proposal, like a $100 commercial vehicle license plate fee.

The Senate removed a provision from the House’s plan that would have moved all of the gas sales tax to roads. That plan left a hole in the general budget that House leaders wanted to back fill with a cigarette tax increase.

The plan will head to the Senate for a vote, before going to a conference committee for House and Senate leaders to work out the differences between their road funding plans.

» School prayer bill moves forward

The Senate voted 44-5 on a bill that would add an extra layer of religious freedom protections in school Thursday.

The plan that was passed was watered down from the original version, and left out a provision that would have provided students the chance to speak about religion at school functions, like graduation.

The bill heads back to the House for their approval on the amendment.

»Senate proposes $32.1 million two-year budget

The Senate presented their version of the budget Thursday, which includes more funds for education, direct flights to Indiana and Indiana State Police salary raises.

Their education plan dedicates $358 million over the next two years for K-12 education, about $85 million more than the House budget proposal and $76 million for higher education, compared to $23 million in the House.

The one area they dedicated less in education funds was on pre-K, sticking with the $3 million towards On My Way Pre-K they passed on the Senate floor that same day.

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