EVANSVILLE — Wendy Bredhold’s daughter is currently in first grade, but she’s already concerned about the sex education her daughter will be taught.

State law requires accredited schools stress abstinence, but does not prohibit teaching other aspects of sexual education.

“As a parent of a child in the EVSC and a community member who cares about our kids and their futures, it concerns me that the legislature requires that kids are taught abstinence as there are numerous studies showing that abstinence-only "education" doesn't work,” she said.

If signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcomb, Senate Bill 65 will require Indiana school districts to get written permission from parents before their kid would participate in any lessons on human sexuality.

The bill is authored by Republican Senators Dennis Kruse (Auburn), Blake Doriot (Syracuse) and Michael Young (Indianapolis). It’s an opt in approach as opposed to the current situation that does not require districts to get permission, but most local schools do alert parents and guardians before the lessons start. 

Parents are currently allowed to opt their kid out of sex ed courses. That student typically gets a separate assignment and goes to a different room under the supervision of another teacher while their peers complete sex ed.

Wait, opt out?

Retired Evansville neurosurgeon Dr. Gregory J. Loomis has taught at the high school, college, graduate and medical school levels. Loomis laughed at the thought of a parent calling a college professor and saying they didn’t want their child to be taught something.

State law (IC 20-30-5-13), concerning human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases at accredited schools, requires educators to teach: 

  • Abstinence outside of marriage for all school age children
  • Instill that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and other health problems
  • Be sure to teach the best way to avoid any sexually transmitted diseases or other associated health problems is to establish a marriage that is a “mutually faithful monogamous relationship.”

Local school officials in the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp., Warrick County School Corp. and Catholic Diocese of Evansville schools stressed sex ed lessons are brief and follow the law.

But the problem, according Loomis, is students are not being educated.

“Is (Indiana law) abstinence from sex or abstinence from education,” he asked.

Strictly speaking, Loomis said abstinence-based lessons don’t work unless educators explain to students everything else that can happen.

“When you come into a group of kids and you teach with an ideology and you’re teaching them with ulterior motives you’re doing a disservice,” he said. “And simply because the state tells you to do it doesn’t mean that it’s right. … We all know from statistics and from many, many papers that are published in real journals that abstinence doesn’t work. It doesn’t work, that’s all there is to it.”

Loomis is not against a scare tactic, but said it needs an educational perspective.

“They don’t teach you that if a condom is used correctly and you put it on early enough in preparation for sex, you’re 97-99 percent covered from sex," he said. "They won’t teach you that. As a teenager, let’s face it, 65 percent are in some way sexually active and the other 35 percent want to be. That’s just the way teenagers are; it’s been that way since the beginning of time.”

For many Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. students, district spokesman Jason Woebkenberg said facilitators with the Evansville Christian Life Center teach abstinence-based sex education through the organization’s Truth Talk program.

The Truth Talk program focuses on “relevant issues about sex, relationships and long-term goals,” according to the Evansville Christian Life Center’s website. Sessions are led by trained facilitators who discuss tough issues middle and high school students face, and provide information and insight to help kids “make positive choices about relationships and sexuality.”

Truth Talk has been taught in 24 schools across four counties in the past year, with more than 5,000 students participating, the organization reports. A slogan on the group’s webpage says: “Abstinence education: Helping students connect their Friday night to the future.”

The problem, Loomis said, is he’s concerned about teaching science with an ideological background.

“It’s not because I’m anti-religion, but because religion is anti-science,” he said. “Therein lies the problem. If you’re going to bring in (an outside group), how about bringing in a physician to teach the science of it? The problem then is you have young minds who are getting conflicting reports.”

However, Woebkenberg stressed the lessons are not religious-based despite confusion that could be caused by the group’s name.

“Because of the name it’s not unusual to have some confusion by people when they hear that to wonder: ‘Is it at all a religious-based curriculum?’ And the answer to that is no,” he said. “It just happens to be taught by volunteers who work for the Christian Life Center. They come in for a couple of days, but they are certainly not taking any type of religious angle.”

Woebkenberg said the EVSC has used the Evansville Christian Life Center “for many years,” but did not know exactly how long.

Teachers are still around during sex ed, Woebkenberg said, but it’s beneficial to bring in an outside group because for some students it’s an awkward topic especially based on the maturity level of pupils.

“Most schools have found it can be better and less awkward coming from someone the students don’t know as opposed to their teacher that they’re spending every day with,” he said. “The teachers are present, just typically in the back of the room and let people who lead Truth Talks take the lead.”

Local Catholic schools within the Diocese of Evansville teach lessons on living a chaste, or virtuous, life. Catholic schools Superintendent Daryl Hagan said the lessons are age-appropriate and a collaboration with parents and guardians that teach the “understanding of human sexuality based upon Catholic Church moral principles.”

Lessons within the religion (theology), family life and health courses center on developing better communication skills and forming healthy family relationships, Hagan explained. Decisions on specific grade level curriculum and material are made by administrations at individual schools.

Elementary kids in both Warrick County and the EVSC don’t take sex ed, officials said, but learn about appropriate relationships, personal hygiene and main body systems in an age-appropriate manner.

Parents are welcome to screen any material before their child sees it, said Walter Lambert, Warrick County School Corp. secondary curriculum/instruction director for grades 6-12.

“We make certain if a parent would rather have the talk or they don’t feel comfortable with it you can have your kid do something different like go to the library or read a book. … (Lessons) are not long or drawn out, it’s just something they will do over a couple of days,” Lambert said.

EVSC kids are taught eight broad health standards, according to Woebkenberg, which include: comprehending concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention; interpersonal communication skills; using goal-setting skills to enhance health; personal, family and community health; enhancing personal health and reducing health risks.

Woebkenberg did not specify all 8 of the standards.

“It covers a very broad range,” he said. “And so, because of that, you can kind of cover a lot of it together, making it age appropriate, of course.”

Health is taught through the physical education department at many schools.

At EVSC high schools, it’s a one-semester class. While in EVSC middle schools it’s covered in a “fairly short” time along with gym class.

“Sex education is a very brief part of the overall health standards that are covered,” Woebkenberg said. “It is a very basic covering of sex education because it is within all of those standards that are covered in health.”

What if students have questions?

If the teacher feels a school counselor or nurse would be better equipped to answer those queries, Woebkenberg said students are referred to get additional guidance from them. Sometimes students can anonymously ask questions by writing it on paper and placing it in a box so they don’t feel embarrassed.

Woebkenberg noted disease prevention is also part of health standards.

“They may touch on how to be safe with practicing safe sex, but they are certainly not going in-depth with that at all,” he said.

In the past, Lambert said outside groups would come in and talk to Warrick kids about abstaining until you’re an appropriate age. He said topics covered include basic information on reproductive systems, diseases and pregnancy so kids understand and take care of their bodies.

The biggest thing, Lambert said, is ensuring educators follow state standards.

“Make sure you cover the standards,” he said. “And don’t go beyond, because some parents may get angry.”

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