BEDFORD — The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners Tuesday morning opted to discontinue its contract with Indiana Recovery Alliance to operate a needle exchange program in the county.

The board heard testimony of support from IRA Director Chris Abert, needle exchange advocate Jared Stancombe, and four members of the county health board, plus letters from Bedford hospitals and Bedford Mayor Shawna Girgis requesting the initiative be continued.

Prosecutor Michelle Woodward spoke in opposition, explaining she could not support a program that facilitates or makes easier the illegal use of drugs. She noted needles are readily available. 

Woodward noted while she has the utmost respect for community leaders serving on the health board, she believes the real problem causing the hepatitis C and HIV epidemics are illegal drug use.

"My hope is we, as a community and a state, would invest in drug treatment programs rather than pass out syringes and needles," she explained.

Commissioner President Gene McCracken requested a motion on the issue.

When fellow Commissioners Rodney Fish and Dustin Gabhart remained mute, McCracken made a motion to extend the current contract for two years.

When neither Fish nor Gabhart seconded the motion, McCracken declared the motion dead and said the county's agreement with IRA was terminated. 

Both Fish and Gabhart explained they could not separate the needle exchange program from the drug abuse issue. Gabhart added he did want not the community to become a "sanctuary city" for drug users.

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