By Brandi Watters, Herald Bulletin Staff Writer

ANDERSON - Although news reports indicate that Madison County is trying to lure lithium-battery developer Enerdel and its promise of 850 new jobs, local officials are keeping quiet.

The Daily Reporter in Greenfield reported Wednesday that Madison County and Hamilton County have both submitted proposals to Enerdel, but Rob Sparks of the Corporation for Economic Development won't confirm or deny the reports.

On Wednesday, Sparks said the city does not discuss ongoing projects. "I can just say we're working on several leads and we don't make comments about any specific one during the course of the process."

Enerdel is set to receive $118 million in federal stimulus dollars and plans to expand its research and production facilities in central Indiana.

The 92-employee company was founded in Indianapolis in 2004 and plans to expand its business, which makes lithium batteries for hybrid vehicles.