Maria Colvard, left, Tressa Martinie Eiler, middle, and Paul Martinie Elier work on coloring in a flaming Earth chalk drawing they did Friday. Staff photo by Rich Janzaruk
Maria Colvard, left, Tressa Martinie Eiler, middle, and Paul Martinie Elier work on coloring in a flaming Earth chalk drawing they did Friday. Staff photo by Rich Janzaruk
The lobby of City Hall became part-educational center, part-concert hall and all rally space Friday afternoon, as local climate activists joined others around the world in demanding policies to reverse climate change.

Local chapters of the Sunrise Movement, Golden Bicycle XR and Extinction Rebellion hosted the second climate change rally this year, following a September rally that included a walk-out and protests in Dunn Meadow and City Hall. Representatives from the various groups, as well as the Young Democratic Socialists of America, passed out information on how climate change is a multifaceted issue, with emphasis on climate change affecting people of color and other social minority groups.

But as opposed to making the event a day of yelling and raising signs, drum lines, local musicians and other artists made it a rally of inclusiveness.

“Today has an emphasis on collectivity and being here together, learning together, making art and music together,” Eliza Dowd, lead organizer for the Indiana University Sunrise Movement chapter, said about the event. “That’s important because this is the future we are fighting for. And we need a future where we are actively growing together and putting each other and empathy over things like profit.”
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