Executive Director Vince Galbiati said that although the report might mean that Canadian National Railway does not have to negotiate with the South Shore for the right of way needed for the expansions, it doesn't mean CN won't negotiate.

"Our point of view, we're just going to take a very positive tact toward this and wait," Galbiati said.

The Surface Transportation Board report, released last week, assessed whether Canadian National railroad should be allowed to buy EJ&E Railway. Part of the report dealt with how the purchase would affect other area transportation entities, such as the South Shore.

The report found that the current South Shore lines would not be affected and an expansion "is not a reasonably foreseeable future action."

U.S. Rep. Peter J. Visclosky, the Merrillville Democrat who has pushed for the South Shore expansions to Valparaiso and Lowell, has criticized the report.

"They say it's not far enough along to have a seat at the table, and that, frankly, is ridiculous," Jacob Ritvo, director of communications for Visclosky, said.

Ritvo said that the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District, which runs the South Shore, needs to negotiate with CN in order for the expansions to happen.

In a statement, Visclosky said negotiations are also needed for improvements to the Kensington Interchange.

"By failing to acknowledge the potential of the South Shore Line expansion, the STB has shown how out of touch it is with the reality on the ground," Visclosky said in a statement, "and paved the way for CN to continue its callous behavior and further inconvenience the people of Northwest Indiana."

Galbiati said that the Forum, which has supported the South Shore expansion, will continue to do so.

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