Will economic stimulus funding propel Amtrak to higher speeds, cutting the time between Detroit and Chicago? It's a possibility, state Rep. Sharon Tyler, R-Niles, told the Niles City Council Monday night. Here, a train bound for Chicago stops in Niles on Tuesday to pick up passengers. Tribune Photo/LOU MUMFORD
Will economic stimulus funding propel Amtrak to higher speeds, cutting the time between Detroit and Chicago? It's a possibility, state Rep. Sharon Tyler, R-Niles, told the Niles City Council Monday night. Here, a train bound for Chicago stops in Niles on Tuesday to pick up passengers. Tribune Photo/LOU MUMFORD

By LOU MUMFORD, South Bend Tribune Staff Writer


NILES - You board an Amtrak train in Niles and arrive in Chicago in less than an hour.

Impossible? Not if federal economic stimulus funding shows up in the right place.

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