The support for expanding Indiana’s state-funded preschool program is wide and deep.

The state’s controversial voucher program, on the other hand, is a divisive issue among Hoosiers.

Which makes it all the more infuriating, although sadly, not necessarily surprising that a legislator has chosen to meld the two elements in one bill.

The measure by Republican Rep. Robert Behning (Indianapolis) endorsed by the House, would double the number of counties included in the pre-K program for children from low-income families. Such a move, which has the support of GOP legislative leaders and Gov. Eric Holcomb, demonstrates that Indiana is finally, slowly upping its investment in early childhood education.

But Behning goes further, tying his bill to the political football that is the state’s voucher program, one of the country’s largest. Under the measure, students who receive a pre-K scholarship from the state and meet certain income requirements would be eligible for school vouchers beginning in kindergarten.

Not surprisingly, the move isn’t going over well in some quarters: House Democrats, pre-K advocates and even some Republicans have been critical.

Republican Rep. Kevin Mahan (R-Hartford City) summed it up best: “Pre-K is a big issue. Vouchers (are) a big issue. This is an issue that should’ve been stand-alone. Folks this is what drives our constituents nuts back home.”

Behning says his bill is all about “continuity” and insists he was not attempting to secretly expand vouchers.

No matter where you stand on vouchers, this deeply controversial issue should have to stand for a vote on its own. Sneaking the issue into a bill that addresses Indiana’s seriously shortchanged pre-K program is inappropriate. And Behning’s denials to the contrary, his bill looks exactly like a maneuver to expand the voucher program by taking advantage of the near-universal agreement on the need for preschool expansion. The effort to improve the lives of young Hoosiers is too important for this sort of political exercise.

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