Just listen to their ads: We have two scoundrels running for one of Indiana’s seats in the U.S. Senate.

Incumbent Democrat Joe Donnelly and Republican challenger Mike Braun — and their supporters — have cast millions of dollars worth of aspersions against each other, mostly through television ads.

Most of the accusations have a grain of truth that’s been twisted into an ugly tale, and the author is to blame.

Many Hoosiers would vote against one or the other based on these trumped-up (excuse the expression) political ads, but both Donnelly and Braun have behaved badly. They insult our intelligence.

So, let’s step away from the mudslinging and talk about what the candidates really represent.

Braun, the Jasper auto-parts distributor and former state legislator, is going to side with President Donald Trump at every turn. That’s the easiest path to election, and that’s the path he would follow in the Senate. Rest assured, whatever Trump says, Braun will fall in line.

President Trump is popular in Indiana, so many in Indiana might look favorably on Braun’s allegianceto the president. But most Hoosiers have an independent streak — we don’t like people telling us what to do, and we know that no one is always right.

Hence, we expect our U.S. senators to look upon any presidential policy and pronouncement with an analytical eye — and to depart from the president’s path when it’s poorly plotted.

Donnelly, to his discredit, has worked hard to align himself with Trump during his campaign. He’s intensely aware of the president’s popularity in these parts, and he’s pandering to get votes.

It’s a mistake, because Donnelly has a moderate record and has had the courage to oppose the president on tax reform, health care and the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court.

But now, Donnelly goes so far as to support the preposterous proposal to build a wall on the Mexican border.

Donnelly’s strategy will convince few Trumpsters to vote for him, but it might cause some voters to turn away and instead look toward Libertarian Lucy Brenton, the third candidate for the Senate seat.

During two debates, she positioned herself nicely as a foil to the misbehaving major party candidates. Brenton won’t win the office, but she could play the spoiler. Despite Donnelly’s missteps, she’ll certainly steal more votes from Braun.

Regardless of what Braun — and Donnelly, himself — says, Donnelly has served Hoosiers well during his three terms in the House and his first stretch in the Senate.

Braun would be a blind Trump follower. Donnelly, we trust, would not.

With that hope, the editorial board endorses Donnelly in Tuesday’s election.

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