The meter on the left measues a couple's power sold to NIPSCO and the one on the right measures power sold to the Oakleys. Staff photo by J. Tyler Klassen
The meter on the left measues a couple's power sold to NIPSCO and the one on the right measures power sold to the Oakleys. Staff photo by J. Tyler Klassen
A new program from Indiana Michigan Power allows customers to claim their electricity came from solar energy without installing a costly solar panel array.

I&M now operates four solar power plants – three in Indiana and one in Michigan – that generate enough energy to power more than 2,000 typical homes. I&M’s Indiana customers can subscribe to 50-kilowatt-hour (kWh) blocks for just 93 cents per month. The cost for 20 of the blocks – for a total of 1,000 kWh – is $18.60.

“For only about 60 cents a day, typical Indiana homeowners can attribute all of their household energy use to solar,” Toby Thomas, I&M President and Chief Operating Officer, said in a statement. “IM Solar is a way for our company to empower customers with the ability to demonstrate their support for renewables.”

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