A map showing housing units with no access to high-speed internet. (Photo: Furnished)
A map showing housing units with no access to high-speed internet. (Photo: Furnished)
In the digital age, when people are using the internet every day for work, healthcare, remote learning, video streaming and more, it's easy to forget that there are still areas in Vanderburgh, Gibson, and Posey counties with limited or no access to high-speed internet.

Economic development teams from those counties have banded together to request the state and internet service providers work with them to ensure rural residents can have broadband internet access.

Representatives from each county gathered Tuesday at St. Wendel Catholic School in Wadesville to make their concerns heard.

The principal of St. Wendel, Hallie Scheu, spoke at the event and explained how the digital divide is unfairly impacting rural students.

Scheu said even though the school has expanded its infrastructure and provided devices like laptops and tablets for its students, there are limits on how many students can be logged on at any given time.

It's an even bigger issue when students who do not have internet connections at their homes need access to complete their homework and have to drive miles to a business or library that offers internet access.

She recounted a recent incident when the students had a chance to Skype with the Vice President of Crayola, and every device in the building had to be turned off except for that one computer.

Stephen Bottoms, president of the Gibson County Commissioners, attended the meeting and explained how lack of internet was impeding economic growth in the region.

Bottoms said he's seen a growth in investments within manufacturing and farming in Gibson County, but he receives regular complaints from people employed in those industries that they are limited by a lack of high-speed internet access.

Carl Schmitz, the President of the Posey county commissioners, shared similar concerns. He added that there were also safety concerns as the Emergency responders like police, firefighters and EMTs rely on GIS and computers to coordinate where they need to go. Without internet, there are roadblocks.

Audrie Burkett, the Vice President of the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana, said not having internet access is disrupting the lives of residents.

"In a world where you can work from anywhere, entrepreneurs and remote workers rely on internet access. We want to provide better broadband access for everyone," Burkett said.

"We want to shrink that digital divide so our residents and our community have the access they need in a digital world. It’s a key piece of infrastructure to make sure your community stays viable."

She is hopeful that some of the state funding announced for rural broadband infrastructure projects will make its way to Southwest Indiana.

She is asking rural residents to fill out surveys about their limited or lack of high-speed internet access to help spur improvement and change. The survey can be found at: southwestindiana.org/broadband.

Those who can't access the internet can call their local County Economic Development teams to fill out the survey via phone.

For Gibson County, contact Tami Muckerheide at 812-386-002
For Posey County, contact Jenna Alka at 812-838-6500
For Vanderburgh County, contact Stpehanie El TAwil at 812-492-4390
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