Eventually, we believe, Indiana will allow for Sunday sales of packaged alcohol. It simply makes sense, when in most other states, people can buy beverages on Sundays, but not in Indiana — unless they go to a restaurants that sells by the individual drink.

We thought that might happen this year, following the legislative session, when the Indiana Chamber of Commerce said the organization would support the lifting of the state's Sunday ban, though it is not a top priority for the session which begins in January.

So, while the Chamber may not consider it a priority, the Indiana liquor store owners, who oppose Sunday sales, will consider it a priority to block a lifting of the ban. The store owners have argued that such a lifting of the ban would be to the advantage of groceries and convenience stores, but not the liquor store owners, who would have to add employees to be open on Sundays.

Without the overwhelming support of the Chamber and businesses that support Sunday sales, the issue is unlikely to draw much support from lawmakers.

A lifting of the ban will happen one year, but we don't sense it will be in the upcoming session.

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