The Jefferson County Health Department will begin offering free HIV testing on May 27.
The option of free testing has been in the works since the HIV outbreak in Scott County first reached public health emergency levels, Karen Buchanan, Jefferson County Health Department public health coordinator, said.
“We wanted to offer it locally,” Buchanan said of the testing.
A representative from the Indiana State Department of Health has trained employees on testing procedures.
“All of our nurses have become certified as HIV prevention counselors through the Indiana State Department of Health HIV/STD division,” Buchanan said.
The test is an oral swab that is 98 percent accurate and takes about 20 minutes for results.
HIV testing and follow up referrals are the only programs that will be offered, but that could soon change.
Health department officials are looking into offering other STD testing, but those services wouldn’t be immediately available, Buchanan said.
Anyone 13 or older can receive a free HIV test. Medical referrals based on testing results will also be available.
HIV testing will be from 1-3 p.m. every Wednesday at the Health Department located at 715 Green Road, Madison.
There have not been any cases of HIV in Jefferson County linked to the Scott County epidemic, Buchanan said.
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