INDIANPOLIS — A bill regulating police body camera videos— and how citizens can access them— is heading to Gov. Mike Pence after passing the Indiana Senate unanimously.

The Senate voted 50-0 to approve the conference committee report on House Bill 1019. The one big change made by the committee was the removal of the automatic release of videos relating to excessive force or civil rights violations.

The author, Rep. Kevin Mahan, R-Hartford City, said that was the one change the Senate made he couldn’t agree with. His concern is the automatic release could be construed as anadmission of guilt on the part of the law enforcement agency. Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel, said the removal of that language eliminated serious concerns police agencies had and would encourage more of departments to purchase and use body cameras.

The bill keeps the burden of proof on law enforcement agencies. If an agency refuses to release a video to the media or a member of the public, they must explain to a judge the reason why. Those reasons can range from public safety to an on-going investigation.

A judge must hear a complaint and issue a ruling within 30 days. The bill also stipulates how long an agency has to hold on to a video. The limit is 270 days for state agencies and 180 days for everyone else.

Sen. Greg Taylor, D-Indianapolis, urged his colleagues to watch law enforcement agencies in their districts who start using body cameras over the next year.

"Please be cognizant of any of your communities who purchase these cameras," Taylor said. "We want to see how these are being used." The House passed the report on HB 1019 Wednesday night unanimously.

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