The city of Carmel announced on Tuesday plans to spend $217 million on a wide range of infrastructure projects over three years, leading to property tax increases for some residents.

The list of projects includes about 30 more roundabouts, street improvements, land acquisition and storm water upgrades in several neighborhoods.

The long-considered plan to upgrade the congested Keystone Parkway and 96th Street intersection is on the list, along with a handful of other projects that Mayor Jim Brainard announced last February.

The list also includes new roundabouts at Rangeline Road and Carmel Drive and Rangeline and Executive Drive, which were anticipated as part of the redevelopment of the former Party Time Rental warehouse site.

“Our residents made it very clear in May that they want us to continue to invest wisely in our community, focusing on projects that make our roads safer, our commute times shorter and the time we spend with our families longer,” Brainard said in a prepared statement. “It’s important that we make these investments while we are a growing city, so future generations can benefit from our shared community vision to create the best city in which to live, work and play in the Midwest.”

The Carmel City Council will consider a handful of ordinances and resolutions to authorize bonds and funding arrangements on Jan. 4, including a measure to refinance certain outstanding bonds from the Carmel Redevelopment Commission.

The bonds will result in a property tax increase for most Carmel residents, according to a city press release. For a $200,000 home, taxes would increase by $22. Brainard said in a statement that homes valued higher than $345,000 would see no increase due to property tax caps. The median home value is more than $290,000 in Carmel.

At the time of the February announcement, Brainard declined to comment on  the potential cost of the projects but insisted that the city had the “capacity” in its budget to complete the work within four or five years.

“That was nothing more than a campaign announcement,” outgoing Carmel City Council President Rick Sharp told IBJ on Tuesday. “I said, ‘I don’t know what capacity means, but we are at a point where we can’t borrow any more money without a tax increase.’”

Sharp agreed with Brainard that many homeowners won’t be affected because they are already at the tax cap, but he said residents in rental units and commercial property owners would be impacted.

“We’re just shifting the burden,” Sharp said.

City spokespeople did not make Brainard available for comment early Tuesday afternoon.

Some of the projects listed in the city’s announcement are vague—for example, “various multi-use path construction.” No timeline was given for when construction would start on any of the projects.

The planned improvements to the 96th and Keystone intersection hit a road block in October when federal transportation officials declined a request to fund $19.4 million of the $32 million teardrop-roundabout project.

But several of the projects on the list will be funded through a mix of state and federal dollars, in addition to the $217 million in local funding, according to the city release.

The newly elected Carmel City Council has a majority of Brainard supporters, which should smooth passage of the funding proposals. Sharp lost in the mayoral primary election to Brainard, and Brainard critics Eric Seidensticker and Luci Snyder were defeated by Bruce Kimball and Jeff Worrell, respectively.

Kimball already has announced his support for the infrastructure initiative.

“After working with city staff and the mayor, I am pleased with the list of projects that I believe will benefit all of Carmel,” Kimball said in a prepared statement. “The projects for storm water and traffic flow will have a particularly positive impact on every neighborhood in the central district. With Hamilton County to nearly double in population in coming decades and as our housing ages, we have to ensure Carmel remains just as effective in the future as it is today in attracting new citizens and businesses.”
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