R.D. Poffenbarfer, owners of 911 Heating and Cooling in Anderson, strips some wiring as he prepares to install a part working on a job. He is boycotting Carrier Corp. products after they announced moving Huntington and Indianapolis plants with 1,400 jobs to Mexico. Staff photo by John P. Cleary
R.D. Poffenbarfer, owners of 911 Heating and Cooling in Anderson, strips some wiring as he prepares to install a part working on a job. He is boycotting Carrier Corp. products after they announced moving Huntington and Indianapolis plants with 1,400 jobs to Mexico. Staff photo by John P. Cleary
ANDERSON — Companies in Madison County who manufacture heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment are boycotting Carrier Corp.  after the company announced it was moving from Indianapolis to Mexico, taking 1,400 jobs with it.

R.D. Poffenbarger, owner of 911 Heating and Cooling in Anderson, said he is taking a stand to support the Carrier employees whose jobs are being shipped overseas. The issue hits especially close to home for the Anderson native who saw what happened when Delco left the city.

“I had friends, friends’ parents who were left without work when (they) left and this brings back those thoughts,” Poffenbarger said.

Carrier announced the decision to its staff Wednesday. A video of the announcement posted to YouTube shows workers booing and yelling upon hearing the news.

"Throughout the transition, we must remain committed to maintaining the same type of quality as always," Carrier President Chris Nelson said, drawing a chorus of groans.

Nelson's comment that "(the move) will allow us to maintain the high level of quality and continue to serve an extremely price-sensitive marketplace," was greeted with a similar response.

Poffenbarger has been using Carrier products since he got into the HVAC business about 15 years ago. He disagrees with Nelson, saying he expects craftsmanship to suffer based on what happened to other companies that moved overseas.

Nelson called the move a "business decision" which, even if it could save the company some money, Poffenbarger disagrees with.

“We are not looking to get someone a fifth vacation home, we are looking to put in a quality product,” he said. “Why would we support someone who is taking away from our economy and moving to Mexico?”

Poffenbarger said he hopes if smaller companies can band together to take a stand, some larger companies will get the hint and join as well. He hopes if they can show Carrier how much business it stands to lose with the move it will deter other companies from following suit.

Although some customers only want Carrier, which could cut into his company’s business, Poffenbarger already has people contacting him for quotes because of the boycott.

He said one customer, who has family members who will lose their jobs when Carrier moves, contacted him and asked him to do work specifically because of his stance.

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