Erin Meyer, Daily Reporter

     CHARLOTTESVILLE — After three months of seeking alternatives, Eastern Hancock School officials announced Thursday the names of employees receiving pink slips at the end of the school year. 

    The six teachers include Nick Kohne, elementary music teacher; Steve Hoskins, industrial technology teacher; Karen Simmons, kindergarten and firstgrade teacher; Lora Bowling, elementary guidance counselor; Scott Knight, middle school English teacher; and Colin Benton, social studies teacher. 

    “In total we have 65 teachers. I am recommending that we RIF 11 different positions,” Superintendent Randy Harris said. 

    The staff reductions, which
amount to 16 percent of the district’s certified teaching staff, include five teachers who agreed in March to retire early. 

    Harris, along with the administrative staff of the superintendent’s office, volunteered to take a 2 percent pay cut to help avoid laying off even more teachers. 

    Harris also warned that the district will consider additional layoffs of non-teaching staff. 

    Facing a sizable funding shortfall brought on by the state revenue crunch, schools across Indiana have been looking for
ways to reduce budgets. The impact to Eastern Hancock was $550,000. 
   In 2010, the teacher layoffs will save the district $150,000. By 2011, that amount will increase to more than $370,000. 

    The board also voted not to fill 39 coaching positions and other extra-curricular jobs to save $41,500 next year. 

    Eastern Hancock administrators, teachers and a growing contingent of community members have been struggling with the funding question since January,
when Harris announced the district had no choice but to look to layoffs.