INDIANAPOLIS - GOP Senate leaders kicked off the new legislative year Tuesday by announcing a slim agenda for the brief 10-week session.

Infrastructure needs, combating drug abuse and ensuring an embattled ISTEP test doesn't negatively impacts schools, teachers and students are at the top of the list. And those are also key focuses of Gov. Mike Pence and House Republicans.

But the Senate Republicans also want to focus on providing property tax relief to farmers and reforming the state's medical malpractice law.

"This will be a short session but I expect it to be a productive one," said Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne.

While there is a Senate Republican bill to address civil rights protections for gay, lesbian and transgender Hoosiers, it is not on the agenda.

Long said that is because there is not consensus within his 40-member caucus to make it a priority. Many very conservative members don't support the middle-ground approach some are trying to craft.

One issue that has been discussed for several years is Indiana's medical malpractice law. The combined maximum award for any injury is $1.25 million - $250,000 from a health care provider's insurance and $1 million from the Indiana Patient's Compensation Fund.

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