INDIANAPOLIS — Breaking his long silence on the LGBT civil rights issue in Indiana during his State of the State address, Gov. Mike Pence said he understands the delicate balancing act between religious liberty and the right not to be discriminated against, but said he won't sign a bill interfering with anyone's religious freedom.

"I will not support any bill that diminishes the religious freedom of Hoosiers or that interferes with the constitutional right of our citizens to live out their beliefs in worship, service or work," Pence said during his speech Tuesday evening.

Pence left it up to the legislature to determine the best course of action for the LGBT issue that has grown in prominence since the signing, and subsequent fallout, of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act last year.

"The question before you as the elected representatives of the people of Indiana," Pence told lawmakers, "is whether it is necessary or even possible to reconcile these two values in the law without compromising the freedoms we hold dear."

Senate Republican Leader David Long, R-Fort Wayne, said he didn't think the governor's speech would alter the course of the two bills addressing LGBT rights that the Senate Republicans have proposed. Long believes both bills provide adequate religious protection for the governor but said he hadn't heard from Pence about whether he would support either proposal.

"I don't think it changes anything," Long said of Pence's comments.

Democrat leaders had a different take, crushing the governor for lack of leadership on one of Indiana's most important issues.

"The chief executive that caused this conflagration in the first place, completely washed his hands of the entire issue," House Minority Leader Scott Pelath, D-Michigan City, said afterwards. "He punted to the legislature."

Pence's thoughts on the LGBT issue came late in his annual speech. He spent most of the 30-minute address highlighting Indiana's strengths and outlining his agenda for the ongoing session.

Pence mentioned Indiana's growing economy and low unemployment numbers as the state moves towards its bicentennial celebration. He also touted strong investment in 2015 in Indiana's schools and transportation as he looked ahead to this year.

He acknowledged the many problems with ISTEP and promised Indiana teachers and schools that the grades from the 2015 test would not hurt them in terms of grades or pay.

"I promise you we will make sure the 2015 test scores fairly reflect the performance of our schools," Pence said, "and will not affect teacher bonuses or compensation."

Pence also encouraged lawmakers to take a step back from ISTEP and perhaps look at alternative tests.

He also stressed the need for more road funding, while attacking the House Republican proposal to hike the state's fuel tax.

"Let's invest in our roads and bridges," Pence said. "And let's do it without raising taxes."

House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said he expected as much from the governor, but said they would continue to debate the issue.

Pence spent a lot of the speech focusing on Indiana's drug problem, one of the few things all four caucuses and the governor seem to agree on. He said more needs to be done to cut down on the methamphetamine and heroin problems in Indiana, including tougher penalties on drug dealers.

"If you are selling drugs to our kids, we're coming after you," Pence said. "Let's get even tougher on drug dealers in our state."

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