Times of Northwest Indiana

Yet another study for the Regional Bus Authority has failed to provide the information needed to reach the right decision on how best to provide regional bus service for the region.

A $170,000 report, in draft form, ordered by the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority has some of the same flaws as a previous $625,000 study.

The new report doesn't give specifics on new consolidated routes, it doesn't address demand-response service, and it fails to include suburban communities, according to RBA member Corey Surrett.

The $170,000 report, like the $625,000 report before it, is a waste of money. The latest report is poorly timed, not offering valuable advice in time for legislators to provide a comprehensive solution during their regular annual session.

Bus service in Northwest Indiana is in jeopardy and, in fact, already shrinking.

Hammond recently gave a six-month reprieve to its bus service, but Northwest Indiana Community Action didn't have casino money available to save the demand-response service it operated in Lake County, so that service was shut down.

The existing bus service is cobbled together, not organized on the regional scale necessary to provide a fully functioning system.

Although the Indiana General Assembly failed earlier this year to provide the comprehensive solution necessary for regional bus service, it should step in during the special session on the budget and force a merger of the bus lines in East Chicago, Gary and Hammond. Create a truly regional system, not just a Rube Goldberg combination of the existing pieces.

The discussion on providing a functional bus service in Northwest Indiana has dragged on for years. It's time to stop wasting money on studies that don't provide the necessary information and gain traction on the implementation of the bus consolidation.

It's time for the Legislature to provide the solution that needs to be implemented here.

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