Truth Staff

ELKHART -- Forest River is open for business and keeping its employees active, a company official said Wednesday, disputing earlier reports that the recreational vehicle maker would be laying off workers.

In a written statement, Forest River acknowledged "adjustments have been made in employment levels and production schedules due to the current economic situations" but stated the company has "absolutely no plans or directions for closing facilities or consolidation of operations."

Moreover, the manufacturer stated it has increased employment since the end of 2008. Jeff Rowe, human resources director at Forest River, explained the additional 460 workers came with the acquisition of Coachmen Industries' RV Group. Forest River made that purchase in December.

Rowe estimated Forest River has about 4,680 employees, roughly 80 percent of whom work in Elkhart.

Berkshire Hathaway, parent company of Forest River, posted its worst financial results in 2008. As part of regulatory filings, Berkshire stated, "operating companies have taken and will continue to take cost reduction actions in response to the current economic situation, including curtailing production, reducing capital expenditures, closing facilities and reducing employment to partially compensate for the declines in demand."

At Forest River, the plants are operating primarily four or five days a week, Rowe said, noting, "We're keeping our employees active."

Aside from maintaining its manufacturing and employee base, Forest River stated it was continuing to "analyze opportunities for growth."

Rowe declined to detail what those opportunities are but said, "We're optimistic there's still going to be a market out there and we plan on being a player in it."

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