It’s a trend seen across the state, and now it’s hit home.
    Four recently hired teachers at Smith-Green Community Schools will not have their contracts renewed for the next school year, and several administrators and other positions will work fewer days.

   “What we’re getting ready for is 2011,” Smith-Green Superintendent Steve Darnell said of the cuts in personnel and days worked.

   A half-time kindergarten teacher, who was added this year because of more students in the grade, was among those who did not have her contract renewed.

   Also on the list to not be renewed for next year is a biology teacher hired mid-year this school year to fill a vacancy.

   A first-year English teacher will also not have her contract renewed.

   The fourth person who will not return to the district next school year is a half-time early intervention position, who helps identify students early in their school career who may have a learning disability.

   As for those who will see fewer days worked during the next school year, some are administrators and some are teaching positions.

   “It’s painful to do,” Darnell said of the votes the school board had to make.

   Aside from the contracts that were not renewed, the reduction in days worked will allow the school to save $30,200 for next year.

   Churubusco Middle School Principal John Davis will have his contract reduced by 15 days for the coming year, which is the largest decrease.
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