The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) will spend up to $1.5 million to support arts and culture projects across the state, the organization announced Tuesday.

The recent round of funding is part of the state’s Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) 2.0 grant program, which received a $250 million boost from the Lilly Endowment Inc. in January. $65 million of the $250 is allocated to support arts and culture initiatives. 

According to a IEDC press release, READI 2.0 regions can each receive planning grants for up to $100,000 to support arts and culture projects. Local governments can use these grants to install new public art, improve museums and performing arts venues, establish competitions and festivals, attract performing artists to their region and develop architecture designs. 

“Through this investment, we’re encouraging a statewide effort to cultivate Indiana’s creative economy for generations to come,” Indiana Secretary of Commerce David Rosenberg said in a press release.

U.S Department of Commerce report found Indiana’s creative industries made up 2.1%, or more than $8.6 billion, of the state’s total GDP in 2021. 

Regions that receive funding for these projects will work with the Indiana Arts Commission to plan the projects. The Indiana Arts Commission hopes the funding will strengthen Indiana communities, commission Executive Director Miah Michaelsen said in the release. 

“The cultural planning and capacity building support grants made possible by READI 2.0 will enable regions to identify a bold and sustainable vision for arts and culture that is built on regional assets and informed by local input,” Michaelsen said. “These regional arts and cultural roadmaps will support communities across the state as they harness the power of arts and creativity to build a more vibrant Indiana.” 

The READI grant program has been one of Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s signature policies since it launched in 2021. The program has allocated around $1.25 billion to communities across all of Indiana’s 92 counties to tackle issues including housing, small business development, child care options and employment opportunities. In 2024, the state announced $500 million in new grants and a $250 million donation from the Lilly Endowment for READI 2.0.

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