The Religious Freedom Restoration Act divided the state along political and religious lines in March and April like few issues before. The backlash at home and abroad was enormous, and the state is still licking its wounds from the fallout.

Critics of the law maintained that it would enable Indiana businesses to cite religious beliefs in refusing to serve gay, lesbian or transgender people. National and international organizations, corporations and leaders lined up in opposition to RFRA.

When the potential economic impact became clear, Gov. Mike Pence and lawmakers at the Statehouse realized altering the act to clarify that it could not be cited as a defense for discrimination was best for the current and future business of Indiana.

How quickly they forget.

When legislators released a list of issues to study over the summer term last month, expansion of the state’s civil rights law was inexplicably missing. Somehow, Republicans, the state's majority leaders, found no need to even talk about equal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. After all the time devoted to RFRA this past session, a conversation about basic human rights seemed like a no-brainer as a topic for a summer committee.

Republican lawmakers just don’t seem to get it. Aside from the philosophical and religious ramifications of gay marriage or recognition of transgender individuals, this is an economic issue. It’s what’s best for business.

Officials at the local level get it. A recent gathering of town and city leaders in Kokomo included a conversation about adding sexual orientation and gender identity to local human rights ordinances. The mayors and others involved in the discussion understood that an environment of inclusiveness is needed to attract jobs and young talent to their area.

An increasing number of companies aren’t just looking for tax incentives when searching for a place to locate their business. They want their employees to have good housing, good schools, parks to play in. And they want them to feel accepted in their community.

How can anyone in the LGBT community feel safe in Indiana when our lawmakers won’t even discuss protecting them?

Ultimately, reasonable Hoosiers expect the Legislature to draft and approve a civil rights law for LGBT people. It's simply the right thing to do for human rights, and for economic development. The coming summer is the right time to discuss the language of that bill to give lawmakers a head start when the next legislative session begins.

Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne, said in an Associated Press story that he anticipates the drafting of a civil rights proposal next year.

But by refusing to talk ahead of time about protection for LGBT individuals, Republican state lawmakers are again showing that they have no idea what’s best for Indiana or its business environment.

The decision is indefensible.

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