ANGOLA — Steuben County has joined the list of northeast Indiana counties jumping on board with a Regional Cities Initiative.

The action came with passage of a resolution by the Steuben County Council on Tuesday.

The effort is all part of an effort to promote regional development throughout the state and possibly land one of two $42 million grants for the region.

In the 11th hour of the General Assembly, the Legislature approved a bill that would authorize $84 million in spending by RDAs.

A competitive process will deliver the funding. Commitments from counties to join the RDA are due by June 15. Projects for the 11-county RDA would be due by July 1 for review by the Indiana Economic Development Corp.

“We’re on track to submit that proposal, that application, but July 1,” said Alan Tio, senior vice president with the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership, which is driving the application.

Work on a northeast Indiana RDA had been in the works, but the deadlines for the state funds put the project on the fast track. Besides the state funds, there are many other grants and state funding programs that only can be awarded to RDAs.

The counties being approached for a northeast Indiana RDA include: Allen, Adams, DeKalb, Huntington, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells and Whitley.

Prior to Tuesday, only Adams, Steuben and Wabash had not signed on.

Under the law passed April 29, county councils can elect to join an RDA and cities of a certain size may elect to join. However, if a county joins, its cities are automatically in.

Until counties sign interlocal agreements, they do not have to commit any funds to an RDA, which is a government agency that lacks taxing powers. However, if counties do not contribute, they can’t receive funds.

“There’s no funding commitment for joining the RDA,” Tio said.

However, if a county wants a project funded, it must come up with matching funds.

Three possible projects for Steuben County include the Steuben County Enterprise Center that is currently being developed, an Angola technology park and further development and improvements at the Steuben County Park at Crooked Lake.

Much of the efforts of RDAs will be centered on quality of life issues.

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