Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Bennett, defeated after only one term in office, is closing out that term by seeing an improvement in how teachers may be licensed.

He made the proposal during his first year in office for teachers to have more training in content and less in teaching methodology, and last week it was approved 9-2 by the state Board of Education.

Bennett was defeated in the Nov. 6 election by educator Glenda Ritz who had strong support from Indiana public school teachers, who have been generally upset with Bennett's various reforms over the past 3 1/2 years.

At the board meeting last week, Ritz asked the board to table the vote, maintaining that it would put unqualified teachers in the classroom.

Needless to say, the education establishment in Indiana, particularly colleges and universities that train teachers, shares Ritz's view of the reform.

What the new policy will do is allow a potential middle or high school teacher with a bachelor's degree and 3.0 grade-point average to secure an adjunct teacher permit if he or she passes a subject test and agrees to take a class in teaching methods.

That is different from the traditional path to a teaching license which requires education students to take a full load of teaching-related classes, including not only methodology but such related subjects as child psychology and child development.

The issue represents a clash of teaching philosophies — those who believe it is more important to develop expertise in a particular subject vs. those who take a full load of how-to-teach classes.

Were Indiana public schools humming along at the top of the educational pyramid, the argument that methodology is the only way might hold water. Alas, Indiana isn't at the top, which means potential Indiana teachers who prefer should at least be given the opportunity to try the content course.

In addition, the adjunct licensing option greatly increases the talent pool of potential teachers, opening the door to individuals with specific expertise who are looking for a second career. A wire story last week cited the example of a former pharmacist becoming a science teacher

And it is going to get its chance. The board last week did not accept Ritz's request for a delay — no surprise given that 10 members of the board were appointed by Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels, a supporter of Bennett and his plan for the adjunct teaching license.

Even more important, while Ritz will serve as chairwoman for the board of education, the other 10 seats will be filled by appointment of the next governor, Republican Mike Pence, who has shown no incination to quash Bennett's reforms.

Also, keep in mind that local school districts will dictate the hiring of teachers. Those local boards can determine whether content teachers or method teachers are hired for their schools. Indeed, there is no requirement that schools hire one or the other type of teachers.

What we expect will happen is that some of each type will become good teachers; the inherent qualities that make an individual a good teacher or a poor teacher, will quickly override the importance of the type of teacher training, and it will be up to local officials to recognize the good and the bad, and act appropriately.

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