Somehow, Gov. Mike Pence must have a string in his back, the way certain action figures once did, specially designed in this case to handle one question, playing on a loop in Indiana and beyond.

Are you running for president in 2016?

Pull the string, and hear Pence’s sincere inflection: “My focus is Indiana. (click) My focus is Indiana. (click) My focus is …”

Click. Click. Click.

You’ve heard it enough by now to know.

Chalk one up, then, for state Sen. Mike Delph, a Carmel Republican who at least comes right out and says he’s ready to clear the deck in case Pence’s focus really does shift to something bigger than the Indiana Statehouse.

As reported by The Indianapolis Star’s Tom LoBianco, Delph plans to introduce a bill that would allow the governor or state lawmakers to seek re-election and election to a federal office at the same time.

The upshot: A Pence run for the White House wouldn’t keep him from putting himself up for governor again as a fallback in 2016.

In Delph’s scenario, Hoosiers could dispense with reading the tea leaves every time Pence opens his mouth, outlines a policy or travels outside the state. Is his stance on vouchers a move to appease national groups in early primary states? How about his trip to Israel — is it about economic development for Indiana or sweet footage for a presidential campaign ad? How much cash is he raising and from whom? Who has him on this week’s short list of potential presidential contenders?

Delph’s bill wouldn’t erase any of that speculation. But it would make many of the questions moot.

It’s odd, though, to see the party of self-reliance looking for a safety net, especially on a decision that requires an all-in commitment.

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