INDIANAPOLIS - A legislative effort to allow Gov. Mike Pence to run for both governor and president in 2016 was short-lived, as Senate President Pro Tem David Long, on Tuesday "parked" the bill in Senate Rules Committee to die.

"You need to make up your mind," Long, of Fort Wayne said. "Choose the job you are going to run for."

Under current law, Pence would not be allowed to be on the ballot for two offices at once.

Long said when he ran for State Senate he did not seek re-election to the Fort Wayne City Council because he felt the public had a right to pick who would serve.

"I feel very strongly our laws are just fine the way they are," he said. "Our leaders have chosen for years. If they want to run for an office it's a decision they have to make. They'll have to let somebody else take their place. I think that's the best system."

Earlier in the day, Pence said he did not know of the bill - filed by Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel - until he read a newspaper account.

"It seems like a well-intentioned distraction," Pence said. "It's not on our agenda. It's not our focus. I am completely focused on the future of the people of Indiana and this session of the General Assembly. We'll let decisions about my future wait until the spring."

House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said the bill "does not seem to me to be good public policy to give elected officials the opportunity to run for federal and state office at the same time."

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