By Sherry Slater, The Journal Gazette

When the subprime mortgage topic turns up, a lot of people tune out.

It's too boring, complicated and remote, they reason.

Tens of thousands of jobs have been lost as a result of this crisis, but few of us really pay attention unless our own income suffers. The stock markets have taken some deep dives, but few of us really get worked up unless we plan to sell stock or retire soon.

But if you think you're not affected, think again.

If your monthly mortgage rate suddenly goes through the roof or you can't qualify for a car loan or your credit cards' interest rates skyrocket, the subprime mortgage meltdown might just turn out to be the Grinch who stole your kids' Christmas.

So pay attention.

The Journal Gazette crafted a series of questions and then went looking for the best local and national sources to answer them:

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