By Bob Kasarda, Times of Northwest Indiana
PORTAGE | The lure of billions of dollars in federal funding was enough Thursday to convince regional planners to jump aboard the push for high-speed passenger rail service.
The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission's executive board approved a resolution calling on the agency to begin planning for the necessary infrastructure and to work with state agencies to develop the three proposed rail routes that would pass through the region.
The board received encouragement from Dennis Hodges, founder and vice president of business development for the Indiana High Speed Rail Association. Hodges said driving a car to Chicago could cost $40 round trip as compared to just $15 on the existing South Shore passenger train service.
Portage Mayor Olga Velazquez said the region's move toward high-speed rail is overdue.
She said high-speed rail service would make it more feasible for local residents to keep their consumer dollars in the state by tapping into the Indianapolis market.
The resolution states that a one-time infusion of $8 billion in federal stimulus funds is available, in addition to $1 billion per year for the next 10 years.

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