GOSHEN -- Fairfield Community Schools teachers will take a one-day cut from their teaching contract and a salary and increment freeze, and the junior-senior high school could lose a dean.

The school board unanimously approved Thursday an agreement with the teachers' union that Superintendent Tom Tumey said was ratified by teachers by an "overwhelming majority." The agreement also raises the deductible for certified staff's health plan, and the corporation will freeze 401(a) payments.

The one-day reduction and the 401(a) freeze alone save the corporation nearly $142,000.

Tumey and the board members thanked the teachers and the administration's negotiation team for reaching the agreement.

"I really appreciate your ability to look beyond how it individually impacts each of you and look to the bigger picture of how it affects the classroom and the students of Fairfield," said Vice President Dave Thwaits.

Fairfield, like all other school districts in Indiana, has spent all of 2010 looking for ways to make up for a 4.5 percent cut from its general fund. Gov. Mitch Daniels announced the statewide K-12 cuts at the end of 2009 due to a decrease in state revenue. Much of the general fund comes from sales tax, and it mainly covers salaries and utility costs.

Fairfield was hit with a tuition reduction of more than $500,000.

The board also unanimously approved a one-time early retirement incentive that eligible employees can apply for by May 19. Tumey said he hopes to have at least five people apply for it, and added that many more are eligible.

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