DUNLAP -- On Monday the Concord Community Schools Board of Trustees voted to cut 11 positions for the 2010-11 school year.

District officials met with more than 30 first- and second-year teachers in February to make them aware of a potential reduction in force. Seventeen of those teachers received contract extensions for next year, while 11 full- and part-time teachers had their positions cut. Five others had their contracts for next year reduced.

Roughly six and a half of the positions will be cut from the district's elementary schools, two from the junior high and two and a half from the high school.

Concord Superintendent George Dyer said he's hopeful that the reduction in force combined with the year's retirements will be the only staffing cuts needed. A large factor will be whether or not the state makes any additional cuts to K-12 spending. Dyer also said he's hopeful some of those who had their positions cut may be brought back if additional faculty members leave or if enrollment numbers are larger than expected.

Last month the board approved an early retirement plan that's expected to save the district $428,245 this year and more than $850,000 in 2011. Administrators have also taken a 1 percent pay reduction. The district is facing a $1.3 million shortfall in state-provided tuition this year and another $1.1 million in funding for the new junior high because of cuts made by the Indiana General Assembly.

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