MUNCIE — A debate over the city's need for mid- to high-end rental housing highlighted action in Monday night's Muncie City Council meeting.
Here's a look at two key issues — both housing related — that dominated Monday's meeting.
Jail housing project dead in the water
One of the big debates involved Bison Ridge, the proposed housing development near the location of the proposed new county jail.
The project was slated to bring $20 million in capital investment.
The council struck down bond support for infrastructure by a 5-4 vote, which essentially killed the project.
Voting against the bond were Nora Powell, Linda Gregory, Brad Polk, Lynn Peters and Dan Ridenour. Voting in favor were Julius Anderson, Doug Marshall, Jerry Dishman and Denise Moore.
The proposal was for a $3 million developer bond from the city and would have been guaranteed by the developer. The bond was to support infrastructure improvements to the 35 acres currently owned by the Muncie Redevelopment Commission where the development would have taken place.
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