By AMBER L. TOMLINSON, Kankakee Valley Post-News Staff Writer
Jasper County Commissioners approved new hours at the county highway department as a way to save on gas and boost productivity, Monday, at a regular meeting.

Jack Haverlin, Jasper County highway engineer and superintendent, requested the department work a four-day week, instead of five, and that the hours of the department change.

"We want to try and go for a four day week to save in costs," Haverlin said. "We are unique because we work a 45 hour week, so we would have to start at 5 a.m. and go to 4:15 p.m."
Haverlin said this is an experiment to see if the county can save money. He said the changed hours would be during the summer. He also suggested that if the hours become a problem then the commissioners could review and change it.

"I think this would be a tremendous benefit for the county," Haverlin said. "We are seeing things change with the high price of gas. There are a lot of surrounding counties that have gone this way."