Rusty Lerch (left), Derrick Kelly (top) and Tony Misner lay asphalt Monday on Tippecanoe County Road 600 West, near West Point. The Tippecanoe County Road Department has gone to a four-day workweek to save money. By Michael Heinz/Journal & Courier
By Dorothy Schneider, Journal & Courier
Tippecanoe County leaders vetted the idea Monday of switching to a four-day workweek but made no decision.
The discussion ranged from questions over how much money it could save to the impact it might have on employees who aren't "morning people."
The board of commissioners will continue exploring the option. If the plan moves forward, county offices would likely be closed one weekday and be open extended hours on the other four days.
This summer, for the third consecutive year, the county's highway department has its employees working four-day weeks.
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