Pilot News staff report

PLYMOUTH - Last week, Matt Laidig, manager of M.D.S. Pork LLC, applied for another Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) permit to locate a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) at the junction of Gumwood and 15th roads.

A legal notice published in last week's Pilot News stated Laidig has proposed to construct a hog operation with two wean-to-finish barns, each with concrete pits beneath the floors for manure storage. The application states that Laidig will have 8,000 pigs.

On Wednesday, Laidig confirmed he did, in fact, file an application which was received by IDEM on July 6. He said his intention is to receive another permit to build a CAFO at the 15th and Gumwood location and not build on the currently approved site, located at Gumwood and 14th roads. 

Laidig made it clear that if he does not receive a permit for the new location about a mile down Gumwood Road, he would then begin building his operation on the 14th and Gumwood site.

Laidig's application states this facility would be the same proposed operation as the one previously approved.

The application states the operation will have 1,200 nursery pigs and 6,800 finishers. The new permit was filed by M.D.S. Pork, LLC, and he has partnered with two local farmers in this new project, Steve Roberts and Dave Stults.     

Laidig explained that he didn't get chased out of his current site; he has made this of his own free will. He did admit that he was trying to appease the neighbors in selecting the new site. He said he felt it was the "neighborly thing to do."

The new site will be located further back from the road and the nearest residence.

Local neighbor Jon Rettinger, who currently has a civil law suit against Laidig for his current IDEM permit for a CAFO, said he had limited knowledge of the new permit application. He confirmed that his lawsuit is currently on hold.

Dan Burggen from the Solid Waste Permits section of IDEM said that the engineer drawings and soil borings for the new location are currently under review by IDEM's engineers. 

Burggen did conduct a site visit on Wednesday with Laidig and he commented that the new location will be located 2,297 feet back from the roadway, while the current site sits only 900 feet from the road.

When asked how soon the application could be approved Burggen stated, "I expect the engineers review back by Aug. 1."

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