ELKHART -- Last month Elkhart Community Schools officials handed layoff notifications to eight teachers.

On Tuesday, six of those teachers lost their jobs.

The ECS board of trustees approved the reduction in force for five non-permanent teachers -- teachers in their first or second year -- and one semi-permanent teacher who had been with the district for three years. The reductions were made to compensate for cuts in state-provided tuition, but Superintendent Mark Mow is hopeful some of the six may be back.

"Though it is unfortunate that ECS is in a position to reduce any teaching positions, we have worked very hard to minimize the number," he said, "and I am hopeful that some of those six affected staff members can be recalled before school starts."

All six full-time teachers came from secondary schools: Four from Memorial High School, one from Central High School and one from a middle school. Next year the district will adjust the schedule for secondary schools, with teachers in class during six out of seven periods, ultimately reducing staffing needs. Mow said some teachers will also move from Central to Memorial to balance out the high school staff.

Despite the board's action it's possible some of teachers who received pink slips will be back next year. Mow said he knows of a number of teacher resignations that are expected to come through by the time school starts. The remaining teachers will stay on the district's recall list and are guaranteed to be called first when substitutes are needed.

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